Currently running test transmissions, and welcoming all feedback. If the station isn't running when you try and play it, don't worry it'll be back soon.
Welcome back to the place where you can listen to all of your favourite UpAndHappy! Sounds - now available 24 hour a day, 7 days a week! Created by me - Lee B.
The idea is that all of the music chosen follows the same rules as when I was planning the original UpAndHappy! Radio Programmes between 1999-2011.
So you'll hears the best songs of the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s and beyond. Plus many of the original UpAndHappy! features will be dotted around the schedules for good measure, and also a sprinkling of other feel-good-sounding radio programmes are thrown into the mix too.
And there's a chance to hear again the original UpandHappy! Radio Programme from back in the day too!
All original programming was produced and presented by Lee Bannister (that's me).
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We're UpAndHappy! Are you?
T'raa a bit,
Lee B